Monday, December 3, 2018

Looking Ahead

This course offered many ideas and resources that were instantly applicable in my school library, so it is challenging to pick one idea or tip. Although  I learned a lot from my classmates blog posts on AR, makerspaces, and websites, the idea that I will take with me and use most often going forward is the idea of a digital curation.

The teachers in my building strive to be innovative and competitive, but they are often short on time, between curriculum meetings and conferences. Being able to curate resources for them on topics that interest them and intrigue their students, as well as preview tools that they inquire after will provide a valuable service for my community.

I frequently turn to Twitter as my professional learning network. As the only Spanish teacher in my building, Twitter provided information on trends in world language education when I did not have colleagues in my field on my campus. Now, as the only librarian on my campus, in between quarterly meetings with other librarians, social media will (and already has) provide connections to authors, events, and spotlight trends in librarianship and motivate and encourage me to stay on my desired path to becoming a future-capable librarian.