Sunday, September 30, 2018

Chromebooks to the Max

In many school districts, technology departments are investing in Chromebooks as student devices. Chromebooks are an economical (between $200-$300) cross between a tablet and a laptop in that they generally do not have storage ON the device (they work on a cloud-based storage system) but unlike tablets, they have keyboards already attached. Like tablets, many Chromebooks are touch-screen (though not all).
Chromebooks use the Google Suite of Apps, including Drive.
Within my school district, we have piloted both tablets and Chromebooks, and at my specific school, we chose to pilot Chromebooks. I participated in the inaugural issue of these devices within a Digital Learning Cohort, and that is actually where I first learned about the SAMR model (strangely enough, by the second year of the digital learning cohort, they were favoring a different anagram for technology integration.).
The SAMR Model goes deep.

Many teachers, when first given new tech, do 'simply' substitute the use of tech within the same tasks. With the Chromebooks, this might involve students using the Chromebook to type up an essay they would normally write in class, or maybe even type in a traditional computer lab (I have witnessed a lot of substitution with the use of the Smartboard, too, used only as a glorified overheard projector.). Augmentation of the essay with the use of a Chromebook might be the teacher making comments on the Google Doc - still not terribly deep (see graphic) on the SAMR model. Modification of the standard essay might require students to collaborate on the essay virtually while using the Chromebook. In my own classroom experience, the Chromebooks absolutely transform the collaboration of students. Students who normally shared a singular piece of paper are now looking at the same document, and as a result are exponentially more engaged in the task. More modification might include links to resources to be included in the essay. And finally, going to the deepest level, the redefinition of the task might be transforming the standard essay into an interactive hyperdoc, complete with a video segment, and maybe involving links to primary sources in the social studies classroom, news clips, or interviews with students around the globe.
While the SAMR model is indeed basic in nature (Green, 2014), and does not go far enough for use by technology departments (maybe why my own district's cohort ultimately abandoned it), its message is one that many teachers need to pay careful attention to. In practice, classroom teachers are often given tech without any kind of professional development, and forced to figure out - not even on their own, but with 25 students in the room - how to best effect growth with the use of said technology. Digging deeper with tech is vital to preparing our students for a future where the tech is used, but creativity and innovation are crucial.

Using Chromebooks in Math Class
Ways to Use Chromebooks in the Classroom (How about a video chat with a grandparent? So cool!)

Green, L. (2014). Through the looking glass. Knowledge Quest, 43(1), 36-43.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

QR Codes

As part of their role of information specialists, school librarians should serve as technology leaders. Scarce opportunities for professional development and the inability to both learn and incorporate the technology in to their classrooms often make technology classroom integration a last priority for teachers (Smith, 2010, p.619). Working closely with the teachers in his or her building, the school librarian can and should provide the efficient connection between the technology tool and its incorporation into the classroom. Knowing the content and the style of the teacher and students makes it possible to identify the most practical and compelling technology tools for the students and teacher. 
In her blog, Bulldog Readers and Bobcats Blog, Bridging Books, Lessons and technology, Julie Hembree describes just this collaborative scenario in her post on QR codes. QR codes are squares of black and white that can be both generated for a website or URL and read by a reader to direct to a website or URL. In working with a teacher of exceptional ed students, Hembree and her colleague brainstormed the use of QR codes as a way to get her challenged students to individual forms (in her post the forms are Microsoft Forms, which have their own individual URLs, Google Forms also have their own URLs).
In the case of this particular blog, the tool, the QR code, is absolutely useful within a school library. QR codes can be used for electronic sign-in sheets (making monthly collection of data easier to report), links to book trailers on the shelves where the books are located (how cool is that?), and links to resources such as book lists, relevant websites, and more.
But perhaps more importantly, Hembree's post succinctly illustrates the collaborative process between teacher and librarian that would both define the librarian as tech leader and infuser - and bring technology in to the hands of the students in her building.
Daniella Smith, (2010),"Making the case for the leadership role of school librarians in technology
integration", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 28 Iss 4 pp. 617 - 631

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Librarians as Dietitians

The best teachers have always known that their role in school is not simply to share content, but no matter the age of the student, to share the lessons that produce productive members of society. Each year of school adds more to the student toolchest - beyond 'play well with others', there is 'organize', 'prioritize', 'analyze', and this does not even begin to cover algebra or Latin declensions!
The truest librarians are aware that their role in school is not simply to share books or information, but to share those lessons that produce citizens who can navigate today's world. And in today’s world, one does not have to seek out information, but rather information is put in front of you, and not always in expected situations.
One could liken today's librarians to dietitians. While dietitians may start out preparing a menu for their clients, they also teach along the way, about balanced nutrition, moderation, and how to put together a daily menu and a lifelong diet that includes all the necessary nutrients that make for a healthy existence. Eventually, clients compile their own menus, and can choose wisely, whether in the supermarket, at a restaurant, or encounter an unexpected food struck.
The delivery of today's news is “designed by people with an advertising background... it gets people excited.. to the point they want to share..." (Gungor & McHargue, 2017). As school librarians, we have to be aware of this and temper our own reactions as well as educate our patrons on how to filter through the "ads". News may be presented like a dessert or the latest supplement, sure to solve all your ills- we have to teach our patrons to digest in moderation, and to consider the ingredients before ingesting.

“There is no such thing as unbiased media… even as they report facts.. they choose which facts to report and how to present them.” (Gungor & McHargue, 2017) As librarians, we must be aware of this and design our own media and digital diet with variety in mind - we need to consider the sources we might not be prone to personally and present a well-rounded diet to our patrons, so that they, too, will develop a well-rounded diet.

Gungor, M., & McHargue, M. (2017, March 7). Fake News & Media Literacy [Audio blog post]. Retrieved September 4, 2018, from