Monday, November 12, 2018

AR in the Classroom: Metaverse

Metaverse is a free website and app for the creation of augmented reality experiences. Educators can create experiences on a storyboard, add in any number of graphics, prompt clues, and design virtual scavenger hunts. In turn, they can share these experiences with their students, who follow along with the use of QR codes.

The platform maintains extensive resources for its users, from
YouTube playlist on getting started to blog posts that share the impact of Metaverse in authors' classrooms to ideas for the use of Metaverse experiences with students.
In addition to these resources, there is a bank of experiences for teachers and others to use. While there are many platforms to choose from pre-made AR experiences (such as Google Expeditions), Metaverse offers educators the chance to create content tailored to their own lessons - and at least one blogger reported allowing students to create with the Metaverse studio, giving her students the opportunity to create digital content.
Metaverse experiences allow students to problem-solve and collaborate while interacting with the content. A history teacher might create an experience where students have to find clues to navigate an important historical event, science teachers could create an experience withe layers of the earth or different animal habitats, and more - the possibilities are endless!


  1. I am usually a little hesitant when I need to create anything. I am not very creative. But I like that there is a bank of experiences for teachers to use. The work is already done and ready to use. I am going to try this on a "Fun Friday" in my library.

  2. Jennifer, thank you for sharing! I appreciate how Metaverse allows teachers to create their own content. Too often, when a new tech tool is introduced to teachers at staff meetings or PD, the more creative teachers are disappointed when they reach the limits of how they can modify the tool to suit their instructional needs. Metaverse allows for that creativity. Thank you for a great post!

  3. Metaverse sounds like a valuable tool for schools and libraries. The fact that students are able to create their own content makes it even more meaningful. The ideas you shared sound like so much fun, especially the idea of students having to find clues for a historical event. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Jennifer,

    Since I'm still a classroom teacher I can really appreciate Mataverse and the ability to custom make a AR that fits the lesson or standard that I'm teaching. I also like that there are many AR experiecesn already created. Thank you for sharing this information. I stated this in a comment I made on another blog, I have really enjoyed reading about all of the different AR and VR platforms that are out there. For me this have been one of the most informative blog topics to date.
